Frequently Asked Questions

All renters are to complete a lease application-online with tenant Evaluation at Enter the following code when prompted: 6104.   

PER THE GOVERNING DOCUMENTS 12.3 USE AND OCCUPANCY OF THE UNITS is restricted to one family and their gust per Unit only. Occupancy by guests in the absence of the Unit Owner is limited to two times per the calendar year for a maximum period of 14 days. These use restrictions shall not be construed in such a manner as to prohibit a Unit Owner from maintaining such Unit Owner’s personal professional library, keeping such owner’s personal business or professional records or accounts of handling such owner’s personal, business or professional telephone calls or correspondence in and from such owner’s Unit. Such uses are expressly declared customarily incident to the principal residential use.

All guests must be registered with the Association upon arrival. No Unit shall be operated or occupied as a timeshare, vacation club destination, or pursuant to another revolving or multiple ownership scheme or plan.